影视:美丽的水蜜桃2最经典的一句,讲述了 "
She turned on the pale light. The things lined up before her formed into boring patterns, and her mind was once again dragged back to the scarcely acceptable reality.
Alright. She comforted herself. It is a rented place in a far corner of the town, but just for a temporary stay. Temporary...
The front was a high wall, concrete and windowless. The inside was grey and square. It was occupied by pieces of hard furniture and some basic things for simple usage, with only bricks, tubes, metallic tools, heavily and exactly, like a modestly equipped workshop. Even some children’s toys couldn’t inject much color into the industrial look. The back was a small area of ruins, abandoned and haunted, with some wild elements of nature, such as the ghostly guttural croaks. The paint had been continuously peeling off the back wall and the wall itself seemed to be trembling during long windy nights. The terrible wind howled through a tiny window, sounding as though the old wall was too frail to stand a small gust.